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Top Tips for Truck Driver Health and Wellness

The trucking industry plays a huge role in the US economy, with truckers responsible for supporting more than 80% of the nation’s communities. In other words, without trucks and the people who drive them, the world would be a very different place and the supply chain, as we know it, would be simply unable to function.

So it’s clear to see that truckers have a crucial role to play in the world, but the challenging and exhausting nature of their work can sometimes go unnoticed or underappreciated. As any seasoned trucker will know, truck driving is hard work. It can take a lot of you, especially if you have long shifts and minimal breaks as you hurry across the country trying to hit strict deadlines.

Truckers have to spend many hours cooped up in their cabins, without any company and are forced to keep their focus levels high to get to where they need to go safely and efficiently. It’s no surprise that this kind of work leads to a lot of stress, as well as physical aches and pains for truck drivers of all ages. Here are some top tips to help you deal with and prevent these kinds of problems.

Get Regular Exercise 

Everyone knows that regular exercise is a key part of having a healthy lifestyle and avoiding many health problems, like high blood pressure, heart disease, and certain types of cancer too. However, when you have a tiring and stressful job like trucking, it can be difficult to find the time and motivation to hit the gym five times a week or workout every single day. This is why a lot of truckers can struggle with their health and weight. 

However, if you want to stay fit and healthy as a trucker, you need to get some exercise. Otherwise, you could find yourself dealing with issues like “gas pedal knee” or foot pain. Fortunately, you don’t need to worry about getting to the gym or starting CrossFit classes. Instead, you can carry out a range of simple exercises for truck drivers at home or during your breaks. Simple crunches, curls, and stretches can all help truckers lead healthier, happier lives.

Healthy Foods and Drinks

Another essential aspect of a healthy lifestyle is a balanced diet, with plenty of fruits, vegetables, water, and other healthy, pure ingredients. This kind of diet is really important for people who have sedentary jobs or lifestyles, as people who spend most of their days sitting down have been proven to be at a higher risk of various health issues.

As a truck driver, you might bring various snacks and drinks along in the cabin to keep your energy levels up, but it’s important to try and avoid junk foods and excessively sugary drinks like sodas and energy drinks. Too much caffeine is also not good for you, so try to limit your intake of caffeine, making sure to drink plenty of water and eat healthy, energy-packed snacks like nuts and grains.

Take Breaks When You Need Them

This is a good tip to keep you safe on the roads, as well as being essential for your general health and wellness too. Too often, truckers fail to take adequate breaks. Many feel like they’re under pressure to get to their destinations as quickly as possible, so they don’t feel like they can afford to stop and rest, even for 15 minutes. 

However, in reality, taking breaks is a key part of being a successful and safe truck driver. You need to be able to stop when you’re feeling overly tired to give your mind and body time to relax. Otherwise, you may be at higher risks of auto accidents, as well as being more likely to suffer severe stress, anxiety, and even burnout. During your breaks, it’s wise to get out of the truck and stretch your legs to help your body relax, as well as doing something you find relaxing to ease any stress on your mind too.

Final Word

Being a successful trucker isn’t always easy. It requires a lot of energy, effort, and hard work, and there will inevitably be some challenging moments along the way. However, you shouldn’t let your career choice take a negative toll on your health. As this guide shows, there are plenty of ways to stay healthy while being a trucker, so make sure to focus on your diet, your exercise regime, and your stress levels to stay safe and happy each day.

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