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The Homebuyer’s Wishlist: Top Features and Amenities Every Homebuyer Wants

After living in a home for so long, there’s going to come a point in time where you either want to move or you want to do some major renovations to your home. A lot of the time, this need for a change in scenery is simply because you just need a change in scenery… You’re tired of coming home to the same looking rooms, the same looking furniture, and the same room set up… you need to shake things up a bit!

In needing to shake things up, you may come to the realization that you’re not quite ready to sell just yet but you are willing to undergo some home renovations. The thing about home renovations is that they can be a fickle beast at times…

The biggest perk about a home renovation is that you get to customize your home to your liking. If you want a brick accent wall in your living room, you can do that; If you want black marble floors, you can do that too. But in customizing YOUR home to YOUR liking, you still can’t make it all about yourself, especially if you plan on selling your home in the later future.

When it comes to renovating your home, you’re, of course, going to customize it to your liking because you’re still living there but you will also have to renovate it in a way that it has features and amenities that appear on homebuyers wishlists.

Wishlists vs Reality

You’ve seen the TV shows Property Brothers and Love It or List It, right? On those shows, they put the homebuyers’ wishlists to the test. They always show the potential homebuyer homes that meet everything on their wishlist but quickly find out that everything on their wishlist is way out of their budget.

Where the silver lining comes in is that the TV personalities will show them homes that need some renovations but can still have the majority, if not all, of the items on their wishlist. The transformations on some of the homes on those shows are absolutely breathtaking. It makes you scratch your head and wonder how they could take a tiny, cramped kitchen and turn it into a chef’s dream…

The homebuyer’s wishlist sometimes makes it hard to see the beauty that could come from a renovation versus completely moving. But regardless of whether you’re wanting to do home renovations for you to enjoy yourself or if you’re having them done in preparation to sell your home, it’s so important to have the homebuyer’s wishlist in mind with every renovation you do.

Take a look at the biggest must-haves on all homebuyers’ wishlists.

#1. An Open Floor Plan

If you watch any home renovation shows, the biggest complaint among homeowners is that they aren’t able to see what’s going on in the living room because there’s a big wall in the kitchen that’s blocking their view to the living room… What’s the biggest and most common solution to that issue? An open floor plan.

This particular wishlist item has been at the top of every homebuyer’s wishlist for quite some time now. The fluidity of the kitchen, living room, and dining room all being one big room is one that will surely make potential homebuyers willing to shell out the money for that.

The perk is that it brings everyone together in one big entertainment space. According to citylab.com, the idea of an open floor plan didn’t even become a design concept until 1970, and it then began to slowly pick up momentum.

Homes in the 18th and 19th centuries had homes with many rooms for specific purposes like libraries, smoking rooms, servants’ quarters, etc. But as times and people changed, the need for separate rooms grew into the desire for a more open and functional space.

#2. A Spacious, Newly-Renovated Kitchen

Homebuyers are always wanting a spacious, newly renovated kitchen. In other words, they want a “tricked out” kitchen. Everything from stainless steel appliances, granite countertops, and subway tiling, homebuyers are wanting their entire dining experience to be enjoyable, from start to finish.

Think about it… the kitchen is where everyone gathers to eat, share stories, and to socialize. It’s where your meals are prepared and it’s honestly where people spend a sizable amount of their time when they get home, especially for people who enjoy cooking and being in the kitchen.

If you’re going to invest in a kitchen renovation, which you should, just make sure you pick a company that can see your vision of how you want your kitchen to look and can actually bring it to life. If you’re in the Kansas City area in need of a kitchen remodel, Kansas City kitchen remodeling will be able to give you the kitchen of your dreams.

#3. Hardwood Floors

Hardwood floors come in many different styles and textures but it’s definitely something that almost all homebuyers want instead of a fully carpeted home. Why? Mostly because they’re beautiful but also because they’re easier to maintain and don’t hold odors, which is especially important for homebuyers with pets.

Bachelors are the ones who don’t really mind carpet… As long as they have a vacuum, which is just one of the appliances all bachelors need, they’ll be alright!

#4. Laundry Room

Once you reach the realm of homeownership, the idea of leaving your home to go to the laundromat is unacceptable and potential homebuyers are willing to spend good money on a home that comes with a designated laundry area.

The thing that people love about it is the convenience it brings. Can you remember when you had to hang on to your loose change and haul heavy laundry baskets over to your local laundromat and sit around and wait in it to get done? By having it in your home already will add immense value to your home in the event you decide to sell it.

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