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Top 10 SEO Tips to Rank your Website in 2019

Search Engine Optimization(SEO) has been instrumental in the field of Digital Marketing Technology Tactics, where it basically comprises the set of algorithms for increasing major factors for optimization of any website, to increase relevancy and visiting to it. As technology is changing rapidly,same is with the techniques of SEO. During a building of any website, SEO techniques are prominently used which also includes price-time investment. 

By investing the resources and time to properly optimize your website for search engine rankings, we ensure that our end result is a highly visible, directional towards relevancy and also highly accessible website to users. 

There’s been observed a lot of advancement in this field each and every day, but still, axiological parameters remain immutable. 

There would be lots and lots of SEO techniques available, but it is impossible for a marketing organization and also for an individual digital marketer to adhere to each and every technique available. As said, for a good building organization, quality of work is more emphasized in comparison to the quantity of it. 

Excelling in these few tips aka techniques would help you a lot to enhance your skills in SEO, which proportionately increases the quality of any website: 

Researches and plannings on Keywords:

Relevant Keywords are mandatory. Primarily, for sure. But not only relevance matters, one should know this. Here comes another new term, Search Volume and Competition. Search Volume is referred to as the no. of searches on a particular keyword searched. Competition is the bars to which other websites level themselves. 

Keeping these terms in mind, we can conclude that for a building website, a moderate search volume with the medium level competition is more appropriate. 


Depth of content is another way to materialize your content, with lots and lots of keywords to it. Usually, the usage of the major keyword on a particular website is considered to be 3-4%.Layouts of content should be short paragraphs, along with factual and statistical data. 

Referring to other websites for Detailed Contents:

A very common possible myth regarding linking to other websites is to reduce traffic from our website. But, it is not so. Addition of highly authorized links for reference of detailed information makes our site more serviceable. It increases the quality and scale of the website, but only at relevant points, where there’s need. 

Users First, Search Engines second:

Write to us(humans), not for search engines. Means not only your content is appropriate for crawling bots, but also for the users because bots allow you to make money, but users are the source of money. 

Site Speed:

Site speed also plays a role in SEO techniques. This was added in 200 ranking factors on Apr 9, 2010.And of course, why so, because this is the user’s most primary factor for increment or decrement in the ranking. 

The standard time for the loading of a whole website is three seconds. Ranking differs in this particular time limit because if a site takes more time to load its contents, 80% of the users will never approach it. It is mandatory to resolve slow loading issues on a website. 

Readability in Urls:

Selection of URLs is also important. Like easy to reach, meaningful, readable enough to be understood by users plays a significant role in increasing users on the website. 

Promotional activities on Social Platforms:

Social Media is a huge platform of users and publicizing of websites on such platforms enhances user traffic on the small extent at first maybe, but surely lasts for longer if continuous promotional activities last in social signals. 

Consistency in Quality:

As said Earlier, Quality matters. Regular activities at first and with fine quality may increase the chances of increment of ranking. Just when a website attains a position with a handsome number of users, Quality should be prioritized, with a slight gap of break-in time. 

Meta Descriptions:

For every page on a website, there must be summarized and user-friendly gist of the contents in the site.Just make sure there shouldn’t be any duplicacy of the contents in the description, hence reduces the chances of increment in the ranking of the website. 

Summary Jobs in SEO are on rise. You can learn SEO online, also internships are available 

Analysis,at its best:

Everyday analysis on website is compulsory at the start to have a track of records of users reach it.Softwares such as Google Analytics, SEMrush, Kissmetrics and CrazyEgg are the most excelled software in Analytical fields. 

for it .Keeping these 10 SEO Hacks in mind will encourage you to attain a good ranking in Search Engines. 

And surely, Quantity, Honest smart work is emphasized in every workplace in order to achieve a position in whatsoever an organization works. Its all about a per cent, a per cent in efforts. 

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