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Top 15 React.JS UI Framework Every Developer Should Know

React.JS is a widely acclaimed JavaScript library that has been embraced by many multinational companies such as Netflix and Instagram for website development. Moreover, it has consistently ranked among the top 10 programming languages over the last decade, according to various language ranking indices. React JS offers many advantages over other frameworks, making it the most popular choice for developers.

Furthermore, React JS User interface frameworks are platforms that give programmers to put together a proper look and feel for any website or application. The libraries provided by a framework aid in speeding up the web app development process, especially in the front end. However, the primary concern of the framework is to define the interaction between a user and the web app. With the growing popularity of the framework, businesses are looking to hire ReactJS developers to build beautiful and highly-interactive web applications. 

What is React.JS?

Developed and released by Facebook, React.JS is a collection of JavaScript libraries that help reduce the developer’s efforts in building visually appealing user interfaces. It allows for the creation of dynamic web applications that update data without reloading the page and is especially useful for building single-page applications. React’s strength lies in its ability to create interactive, robust, and productive user interfaces.

The framework also boasts various benefits, including easy code development, high efficiency, SEO-friendly interface, interactive user experience, reusable developing tools, and improvised workflow, making it a favorite of developers. Moreover, it offers numerous test cases for its user interfaces and requires low maintenance, making it a cost-effective option for web development. It follows the Model View Controller (MVC) architecture and this view layer aids in handling web and mobile applications feasibly. 

Most popular React.JS UI frameworks

Businesses need a platform that is visually appealing but also that attracts more customers. Here’s where the role of popular React.js UI frameworks comes in, to build a unique and robust platform for leading sales and amplifying business. Let us walk you through the list of some of the most popular ReactJS UI frameworks. 

React Toolbox

If you are planning to design your application using material design, React Toolbox is the way to go. The CSS features and the bundles of the toolbox make the library dynamic and robust. Moreover, it has a special in-browser desk editor for guest users to execute tests on active components. 

Atlas kit

Atlas kit, an Atlassian-authorized UI library is one of the most renowned frameworks. It consists of a bunch of dynamic components based on the Atlassian Guiding principles curated especially for design. Such components even come along with individual guiding protocols. 

Kendo React

Another one on the popular list of React UI frameworks is Kendo React, a library that provides secure license keys for the building blocks of components. Mega giants like Sony, NASA, and Microsoft support the KendoReact library.  

React Strap

ReactStrap is considered one of the top UI frameworks for React JS, offering four components. The library has undergone two major updates, with the latest version providing optional dependencies for greater flexibility in assembling dependencies and much more. This updated version is especially useful for building smaller applications, as it includes all types of discrete details needed to build a robust app.

Office UI fabric

Office UI Fabric is a top React CSS framework that provides front-end interfaces for MS Office tools, with compatibility with the latest Office 365. Its primary use is in creating professional user experiences for office applications, including easy integration of Word, Excel, and PowerPoint through ReactJS components.

Argon design system React

Argon Design System is an open-source React framework, similar to ReactStrap and BootStrap. It includes hundreds of elements that make it easy to create functional code for page redirection. The framework also offers built-in pages and simple options for components such as style, color, hover, focus, and more. With a comprehensive package that includes alerts, images, icons, and typography, it’s a complete solution for React development.

Ant Design for react

The Ant design is an enterprise-class UI designed keeping in mind the web applications. It contains highly interactive components and even guides that help programmers to develop rich and robust UIs. Moreover, the best part about Ant design is that it has internationalization support for tons of languages that makes design specifications easier. 

Material UI

MaterialUI has a whopping 72k stars on GitHub. It is amongst one of the most popular React UI frameworks. Initially known as material UI and now as MUI, it comes along with core React.JS UI components libraries that help in integrating new features more quickly.                   


Storybook is a rapid UI development tool that is not precisely a component framework but an open-source tool known for curating UI components for React and other technologies. It allows developers to document components for reusability and visually test components to avoid bugs automatically. 

React MD

React MD is a UI framework for React that implements material design guidelines. It enables easy custom component development with pre-defined styles. Documentation includes code samples, live examples, and prop information. It’s a recent, valuable addition to React development.

Prime react

PrimeReact is one of the best React UI frameworks, with components that cover essential application UI needs like data presentation, menus, messages, and secure inputs. It also enhances the mobile app user experience through touch-responsive design components. The library offers a broad selection of themes and templates for creating personalized designs.

React suite

React Suite Library offers a range of constituent libraries specifically designed for enterprise-level products. It seamlessly manages server-side communication in addition to handling browsers and frameworks. For internal developers, utilizing bespoke components does not pose any challenges during implementation. With pre-made loaders, tooltips, icons, and dividers, the React Suite Library serves as an optimal UI framework for React.

Cloud Flare UI

CloudFlare ReactJS UI framework comprises over 50 packages, utilizing the top React CSS framework for native component development, ideal for both commercial and professional websites. Advantages include CSS and JavaScript solutions, numerous effective components, and various design techniques.

Semantic UI React

This development ReactJS framework helps in creating beautiful and highly-responsive layouts with the help of user-friendly HTML.  It is named semantic as it is based on the semantic style of HTML meant for every CSS class. Semantic UI react is similar to sublime Text with 3 levels of variable inheritance, more than 50 UI elements and 3000 CSS variables. 

Elemental UI 

Elemental UI is one of the most popularly used React.JS UI frameworks, according to Github. It is an amalgamation of diverse themes and default styles that are essential for building functional components. Some of them include cards, buttons, forms, modals and much more. Even though its library is still in the development phase, Elemental UI has gained immense popularity on GitHub. 

Wrapping up  

React.js is a widely used JavaScript library that offers a lot of components. Nevertheless, instead of putting together each and every component from scratch you can use the aforementioned React.JS UI frameworks and create your dream platform. However, when it comes to UI frameworks, the list doesn’t end here. There are many other frameworks in the market. It is crucial to choose a framework by considering your project needs and business requirements to yield optimal results.

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