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10 Questions to Ask When Hiring an SEO Consultant

Search engine optimization is a technique which is used to increase the website position on the sites of Google, Yahoo or Bing.

Everybody wants to see their website in the top position, they want to be on the top rank when it comes to quality and relevance.

SEO can easily boost the website, which can increase brand awareness and higher sales and profit.

There is always an expert team of SEO which can increase our Brand Value. For that, we should have a sense of hiring an experienced, SEO consultant. Seo Melbourne is one of the trusted consultants to bring traffic

There are 10 questions to ask when hiring an SEO consultant:

#1. What is your experience in the field of SEO? 

Experience makes a man perfect. It’s so important to ask the experience of the candidate. It’s necessary to have confidence in his work when you’re going to hire him. That confidence will come from the experience of work he has. You’ll know about the skills of the candidate if you’re going to see his past experiences. You need to have the information about his background so that you can know the one who is going to handle your website is responsible enough.

Hiring a wrong person can highly damage your rankings and can ruin your reputation in the market.

#2. What type of tools do you use and why? 

It’s important to ask him about the tools he uses, but it’s more important to know why he uses it. You can ask him to explain widely about the same. If he tell you that he don’t use any tools, then it’s clear he don’t know anything about SEO. It’s impossible to work without any tools for SEO. If he says yes, then ask him about a tool which he uses for a monitor ranking and what tool do he use for Keyword research. It will help you to know about how SEO friendly the candidate is.

#3. Can you give the list of your past clients and their portfolio? 

The SEO manager should be comfortable about sharing the details of his past clients. It can help you to know that if the candidate was actually working on SEO or not. If a candidate shares the contact information or portfolio of his past clients, you can briefly know about the candidate’s past work. You can call the past clients of the candidate, so you should know how effective he is.

#4. In what span of time, you can show me the results? 

If you need success, you need to learn how to wait. But you also should know about the fact that your website can take how much time to grow. The SEO consultant can tell you about how speedily he can increase your rank.

If SEO manager promises quick results because there are only technical factors which are needed to be clean, then you can totally trust him. But if he is only saying for the sake of the work, then he can affect your Website badly.

#5. Are you going to inform me about the changes you make to our website? 

The SEO consultant will always inform you about the changes he is making to your website. The good SEO manager will give you regular reports without any hesitation. If he says no to the regular reports, then he is not an effective SEO. It’s a red flag for you.

The SEO consultant will never say that your website doesn’t need any changes. If he says so, he is lying.

Every good SEO manager is going to make the changes to your website. It’s very obvious. Only then you can watch the positive results as well.

#6. Which SEO factors are not in your control? 

More than the strengths, you should know about the weaknesses of the SEO manager as well. It’s very important to know about him in detail as you’re going to give him the responsibility of your website. It’s Google which is the biggest SEO factor no one can control. So, if the SEO manager says that he can control Google, he is lying. No one knows how Google ranks the website.

#7. Can you explain the basics of how a search engine works? 

You should know about the technical skill of the SEO consultant. By this question, you can find his knowledge about the basics of a search engine. If he answers correctly, it’s obvious he is not new on the field. But if he doesn’t know the answer correctly, then it’s a red flag for you.

#8. How will you communicate or how can you share the progress reports with us? 

Communication is key. If you’re hiring an SEO consultant, you need to ask him about his Communication skills too. If he is going to Communicate with you more often, then he is good for your website. If he cannot communicate with you that much, then he will not take your work seriously.

#9. What are your salary expectations? 

We all work for money. It’s necessary to know the needs of the SEO manager. Moreover, it’s important to know that his salary expectation can match your budget. You can offer the money according to his experience, skills and qualification.

#10. Why should we hire you? 

It’s an important yet tricky question for every candidate. His answer will tell you in more briefly about him. Here the candidate is going to do a self-praise, you have to find his every word very carefully.

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