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Pros and Cons of Student Attendance Apps

Keeping track of students’ attendance has always been a hectic, time-consuming task that had to be done manually every single day. Roll calls used to be challenging, especially with a large number of students. Such methods were not productive in the long run since the teachers couldn’t know for sure who was consistent and who was skipping classes.

Due to technological advances, it has become easier and manageable to monitor student attendance. Teachers no longer need registers to tick the names. This process has become automated, and some of the biggest companies in the world rely on biometrics and smart cards to keep track of their employees’ attendance. However, the problem is that these systems can be costly to install, especially for teachers at schools and universities. 

Luckily, this is where the attendance apps come in. They are quite inexpensive and easy to use, and they do the job just fine. We’ll discuss their advantages and disadvantages in the text below. 


Earlier, teachers used to waste at least the first ten minutes of their classes on noting who was present and who was not. Those minutes were not productive for students or teachers. That’s why schools and universities were in desperate need of an automated solution that would take care of students’ attendance without teacher intervention. 

Nowadays, there are a plethora of apps on the market that do precisely this. Plus, the marking process takes less than 60 seconds. We suggest that you check out the student attendance app by campusM.  

Greater Security

These apps collect and store all attendance info in the cloud database. Administrators, teachers, and students are all assigned different roles. As a result, the manipulation of data is impossible. 

Apps like this are even available to parents — but, just like with students, in view mode only. 

Easily Accessible

Attendance apps are extremely easy to handle, and they don’t usually have any specific requirements. A student just needs to log in to their account and mark their attendance with a tap of the finger or click of a mouse. 

High Accuracy Levels

Teachers would sometimes lose their papers and documents in the past, which is almost impossible with an app. All the attendance records are stored in a cloud and can be accessed in the future as well. In the event of a problem with a system, you will still be able to access your data through the cloud. Moreover, teachers and administrators can check attendance at any time without going to a certain system to review the records. 

Increased Communication Between Teachers and Parents

Apps like this facilitate communication between teachers and parents and exclude the students as mediators. Since this communication is vital, the software does all the work. Parents receive notifications directly and stay informed of their children’s attendance records. 

Cost Efficiency

Different schools and universities require different attendance monitoring apps. Not every one of them needs a top-notch attendance app, and the good thing is that they can be adjusted according to each school’s standards. The users only have to pay for the features they use and nothing else. 

Greater ROI

University students can benefit from quality apps like this. ROI may not be noticable right away, but once people understand how much work the app does for them, they will realize how significant its role is. 

For instance, such an app allows you to confirm the attendance of a large number of students simultaneously. Moreover, teachers’ productivity will increase since they won’t waste a lot of time marking attendance. 

Potential Drawbacks

Even though attendance apps offer many great features and represent a convenient way to take attendance and track your results, they are not perfect. Often, they require updates, which might cause glitches afterward. Plus, since they need an internet network to operate, you won’t be able to mark your attendance or access information in the absence of it. However, these are minor issues compared to all the benefits one gets from using such apps. 

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