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How to Market your Mobile App in 2021 – A Step-by-Step Guide

Did you know, there are around 3.1 million and 2.1 million apps available to download on Google Play and the Apple App Store, making them the largest app marketplaces worldwide. Gigantic isn’t it!

How can you be so sure about your app’s success? No doubts, you have a unique app idea, and you must have added all the features that may not be available in the competitors’ apps, but do you seriously think a traditional app launch is enough?

In this fierce competition, doing something ordinary will make your app lost in the ocean unless you market your app to the target audience. Whatever the reason you’ve created an app for, marketing your app has become more important than ever.

In this article, we are going to talk about the essential steps of promoting your app before and after its launch. We will also tell you how these app marketing strategies are used to drive more app downloads using this mobile app marketing guide.

Let’s get started.

8 Steps to Create a Winning Mobile App Marketing Plan in 2021

Here’re the 8 easy ways to build a marketing plan for your mobile app, because if no one knows about your app, how will they come to experience it? Let’s jump to the most effective mobile app marketing strategies to understand the intent of your target audience easily.

1. Find your people!

An effective marketing strategy starts with understanding your target audience. To understand the user behavior, create buyer personas for your mobile app to understand the demographics of your target audience and map out their spending patterns. The demographics include age, gender, geolocation, education level, household income, occupation, marital status, and hobbies. Each user persona represents a group of users with specific characteristics and tastes. You may end up creating as many personas. That’s okay!

2. Do Competitor Research

Next comes, monitoring your competition by searching apps similar to yours, downloading those apps, and seeing how they function. You can also read the reviews, check out case studies, social media pages of the competitor apps, which will help you discover the expected behavior and how the users think about these apps. With your competitor’s data, make changes in your approach, engage potential users before launching your app.

3. Create hype on the website

No matter how many apps there are, still users first search for a good website. If you have an existing fully functional website, that would be the greatest opportunity for you to attract user’s attention. If not, create one!

As your app is in the development stage, you can try to create a microsite for your app. With this, you can create sufficient hype by publicizing your app on your home page. We would suggest creating a count-down pop-up to raise the curiosity levels among your visitors. Instead of solely placing the app on the website, you can create a dedicated landing page for your mobile app, and put updates of the app to be launched.

4. Apply App Store Optimization (ASO)

ASO plays an important role when it comes to promoting your app. If you’ve heard this term for the first time, you can take it as SEO for websites, similarly, ASO works for mobile apps. The goal of the ASO app is to provide the right visibility to your app on Google Play Store and Apple App Store. It helps you to rank up your app on search results so that it will be readily visible to your users for download. The first thing you should do is pay attention to the keywords you’re using for your app.

To drive more organic traffic to your app, make sure you’re using those keywords your potential customers are using. Moreover, you can pay heed to app name and title, keywords, description, subtitle, the total number of downloads, and ratings and reviews.

5. Release teasers

Videos serve as interactive ways to showcase your app to the audience. After mentioning your app on your website, it’s time to make your audience crave and excited about your future product. You can release the teaser of your app on the dedicated landing page, official social media pages, and also, collect beta subscribers via an email list.

6. Create app demos

This is another technique of user acquisition, where you can create a demo video of your app. App demos enable visitors to quickly see the app’s value proposition, rather than reading thousand-word documentation or blogs.

You can create a 30-sec commercial video to introduce your app mentioning its features, benefits, and how to use it or using principles of Simon Sinek’s Golden Circle: Why, How, and What. Once you finish recording your demo video, don’t forget to publish it on social media channels.

7. Build a paid strategy

Bring new users to your app via paid ads. It can sound “oldish”, but you should give it a try to google text ads because you won’t deny it, every time you search for something like the best apps for shopping, your first results are always ads! Explore Google Ads, pick good keywords and make your visitors visit your landing page or dedicated blog. You can also retarget them over social media channels on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media channels.

You can run an app install campaign via two main channels for app store ads are Apple Search Ads and Google App Campaign. And what’s noticeable is the Apple search ads go with keywords so make sure you are wisely bidding on them. Whereas, in Google App Campaign, the major focus is always on the audience demographics and behavior.

8. Connect Influencers

Influencer marketing is a process of partnering with the influencers like famous celebrities, faces, or sometimes app reviewers, sharers, users for promoting your app on their channel. You can offer personalized coupons and discount codes for your users to try out your app. You can also ask for positive reviews and feedback from top social media influencers. In fact, you can add more features, fix bugs, and offer updates based on their feedback, which will add more value to your app.

Above all!

Always remember consumers are the king. Place them at the center, and always listen to them. Well, these are some of the most effective mobile app marketing strategies to promote your app. However, they are not the only ways to market your app. You can utilize analytics, heatmaps, offer free trials, run polls, etc. to capture the user’s eye.

If you found these app marketing tips attractive, share your love in the comments and if we missed anything that surely worked for you, we would love to hear from you. For wonderful reads, you can stay tuned here.


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