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How To Look Gorgeous At The Gym

If you are an athletically inclined woman, you would most likely love to sweat and push yourself during your workouts. However, one of the setbacks here is that you might not look too great while doing it. Which makes you think twice before snapping a picture, and posting it on Instagram. If you want to look good at the gym, you will need a plan. Here are some tips on how to look gorgeous at the gym.

Choose A Fitting Hairstyle

One of the most important aspects to looking good in the gym is your hairstyle. It is important because during your workouts, your hair might get drenched by sweat. Depending on the quality of your hair, it might start looking stringy or bushy. It might also get everywhere and cover your face. By choosing a good hairstyle, you will be able to look good, no matter how sweaty you get.

Some of the best examples of a gym hairstyle are ponytails and buns. The ponytail is a great hairstyle because it helps you to keep your hair neat, while still looking classy. The bun is also a great hairstyle because it makes your hair easier to manage, however, it could make you look more severe than you really are. You could also use braids, however, it could take some time to braid your hair properly.

Wear Workout Clothes That Fit Your Figure Well

Yet another way to still look gorgeous at the gym, is to choose workout clothes that will complement your figure. When it comes to choosing, it all really depends on your body type.

If you have a naturally muscular body type, then it is a good idea to show off your physique. Utilize body hugging clothes. On the other hand, if you are on the slender side, it is a good idea to choose looser clothes such as t-shirts and pajamas.  

Follow Hygiene Practices

If you want both to look and feel clean, it is a good idea to take a bath before your workouts. This will help to take off any grime from your body. You would look dirty and haggard if you go to the gym without taking a bath.

It will also help you feel more fresh and confident. Aside from looking good, it is also a sign of respect towards other gym goers. No one wants to work out with someone who has body odor. 

Aside from taking a bath, it is also a good idea to use deodorant during your workouts. This will prevent your underarms from smelling bad or sweating too much. It is also a good idea to bring your own towel to the gym. While some gyms do provide towels to their clients, there is no way of knowing whether they regularly wash their towels, or they just pass it onto the next customer without washing it. Just to be on the safe side, just bring your own towels.

Use Waterproof Lashes To Emphasize Your Eyes

If you want your eyes to pop, it is a good idea to use artificial lashes. They are a great way to create a hooded and seductive look with your eyes.  However, it is important that you choose lashes that are waterproof.

If you are interested in getting the best quality lashes in the business, you should try out Starseed. This company is a well known magnetic eyelash supplier. What sets their product apart, is that the products are very durable, and waterproof. If you use their products, you can be assured that the lashes will stay on throughout the workout sessions.

Wear Waterproof Makeup

Aside from lashes, it is also a good idea to wear makeup. It will help to add depth to your features. However, if you’re going to use makeup, you should make sure that it is waterproof. If you use normal makeup, there is a chance it will cake or come off because of your sweat.

This is especially important if you are going to use eye make up. If your eye shadow is not waterproof, it might get smudged and leave you looking like you have two black eyes. If you are going to apply makeup, or do a quick touch up, you should clean your hands first. Make it a habit to bring some hand sanitizers with you. This will ensure that your hands are clean . This will help prevent contamination or blemishes to your face.

Use A Chapstick

It is always a good idea to use chapstick during your workouts. This is particularly useful during cardio sessions. You will be losing a lot of fluids during your workouts, and it might lead you to have cracked lips. Before your workouts, it is a good idea to apply chapstick to your lips. 

Stay Hydrated

Aside from using chapsticks, yet another way to prevent your skin from drying up, is to stay hydrated. Make it a habit to drink water throughout your workouts. This will help you to replenish the fluids that you lost. You could bring a bottle of water with you, or a sports drink. Be careful with sports drinks though, because they could have a lot of sugar without you even knowing about it.

If you are going to bring a glass bottle of water, you should make sure that it is made of shatterproof glass. You might accidentally drop your bottle, and you don’t want the glass fragments to cause injuries. You could bring a plastic bottle as well, however, water does not really taste as good in a plastic container.


When you work out there will be times where you will look haggard, and tired, which makes you think twice about posting pictures on Instagram. With these tips, you’ll be able to look gorgeous at the gym.

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