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How to Help Your Teens Select the Right College

Choosing which college or university to attend is one of the most important decisions that a teen will make. So, as a parent, you want to be there to help them through the process, and to help ensure that they make the right choice. While some teens might be focused on things like whether or not a school will be a fun place to make friends and party, you know that there are much more important factors to consider. 

What are some of the things that you should look for as you and your teen work on selecting the right college? Check out the recommendations below to begin. 

How Safe a School’s Campus Is

Whether your teen will be commuting to campus or dorming there, you want to be sure that the campus will be a safe environment. Yes, it is unfortunate but true that crimes do occur on college and university campuses around the country. But the good news is there are many schools that are doing everything they can to ensure the safety of every student. For instance, a lot of schools have security teams in place to keep an eye on things and to assist students who need help. This can give you peace of mind, and help your teen feel more secure when walking around campus during the day or night. 

How can you narrow down your options to the schools that are considered the safest in the country? Well, you can look for resources like this list from Nuwber, and you can also ask for information about security measures from a school that your teen is interested in. Many colleges even post this type of information right on their website so you can see the crime rate and the steps that are taken to keep everyone safe. 

The Cost of the Education

Another way to choose the right college or university is by looking into the costs of attending. Some schools are surprisingly affordable, while others are extremely costly. Think about your budget, whether or not your teen is planning on taking out any student loans, and whether or not your teen is eligible for any financial aid, grants, scholarships, etc. that can help lower the out-of-pocket costs of attending a school. 

The harsh truth is that a college education is expensive. Many people are shocked when they find out how high the tuition, fees, cost of books, parking fees, and more can be. And, speaking of extra fees and costs, it is important to remember to factor those in when deciding if a school is truly affordable for you and your teen. While the cost of taking a class might not seem too bad, when you add on the other fees, the final cost might be so high that it is out of your budget.  

The Courses That Are Offered

Finally, you definitely want to be sure that your teen will be able to receive a quality education at the college they select. Again, there are many factors to consider when weighing your options, but one of the most important is whether or not a school will have the courses and degree program that your teen is interested in. After all, if a school offers the right program, your son or daughter can immediately be on track to fulfilling their career aspirations. 

Going to a school that has multiple degree programs that your teen is interested in is also a good choice. In the event that your teen decides to switch majors, they won’t need to worry about switching schools. 

By keeping the tips above in mind, you should find it easier to narrow down your options when searching for a great college for your son or daughter.

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