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How to Ensure a Smooth-Running Getaway with Mates

A getaway with a bunch of mates can either mean the time of your life or a holiday full of stress. While going away with your favorite people might seem like the most stress-free experience, many problems can arise, such as financial issues and clashes over activities. Fortunately, there are some simple ways to ensure every friend getaway runs as smoothly as possible – read on to learn how.  

Choose the Right Accommodation 

While you might not plan on spending most of your time in the accommodation, you want to ensure it’s as comfortable as possible for everyone going. So, get the group together and look through a variety of different hotels, campsites, and BNBs to choose the one that pleases everybody. Don’t forget the extras, too – hot tub breaks are perfect with friends! 

Think Hard About the Guest List 

You don’t want to leave any of your friends out, but it’s also important that you don’t invite people who don’t get along. After all, you want everyone to have a great time without stress! Arguments between friends, families, and couples are oddly common on holidays, so don’t exacerbate this by inviting two people who don’t enjoy each other’s presence. 

Don’t Overload Each Day with Plans  

While you might want to go surfing, ziplining, and visit all the museums in one week, it is more sensible to minimise your plans to leave some days open for interpretation. Not everyone will want to be busy every minute of the day, so take that into consideration. 

Cut Down on the Price 

Unless everyone attending says they can afford five-star hotels and fine dining, you should aim to keep the holiday as budget-friendly as possible. That way, no one will feel overly stressed about saving money they don’t have. 

Consider the Sleeping Arrangements 

When booking accommodation, one big thing to keep in mind is where everybody is going to sleep. After all, you don’t want to get to the hotel only to realise two friends who prefer to sleep alone have to share a bed! Ask everyone what their preferences are to ensure everyone is comfortable with where they sleep while away. 

Keep Up to Date Via Group Chat 

To make sure no one is left out about holiday news, start a group chat with everyone in it. That way, you can all recommend places to eat, songs for the playlist, and fun activities to do. 

Stay Flexible 

You might have a set idea of the perfect mate’s getaway in your mind, but just remember, not everyone will be on the same page. By being flexible with your plans, everyone gets a say in what to do. Plus, the most fun often happens when there’s no rigid plan! 

Have Fun! 

Most of all, make sure you have the time of your life. When something inevitably goes wrong, laugh it off and focus on making sure the rest of the holiday is as fun and hilarious as possible.

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