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How to Celebrate a 21st Birthday During COVID-19

Your 21st birthday is around the corner, but everyone is still dealing with COVID-19. You want to do your part and party safely, yet you aren’t sure how to celebrate this special day. The following suggestions might change that around for you.

#1. Zoom Happy Hour

One thing you can do with your friends is to have a Zoom happy hour birthday party. All of your friends, as long as they can drink, can join you and share a few drinks online. It might feel a little strange at first, but you’ll still be sharing this moment with them.

If you want to be extra careful, there are several delivery services out there that can deliver alcohol to your home. If you like, you can ask those you invite to get the same drink. This is a safe way to make sure everyone enjoys your first legal drink.

#2. Virtual Wine Tasting

If you want something a little more sophisticated, then maybe a virtual wine tasting is more for you. Here, you get an opportunity to learn more while having a fine drinking experience with your friends. It’s also a great way to have a conversation among good friends.

You can talk about what you like about each wine or what types of food would go great with the wine you’re trying. It’s important that those you are inviting share the same wine with you. Take your time with this type of virtual party. Learn how to properly taste wine and pass along this information to the rest of your friends.

#3. Send a Wine Gift Basket

Another good way to celebrate your birthday is to send everyone sparkling wine gift baskets. This is the ultimate way of having a wine-based virtual party. You will be sending everyone a wine of your choice along with everything a person might want.

This could include summer sausages, cheese, nuts, truffles, crisps, and chocolates to name a few things. All of these snacks pair wonderfully with wine, and they’ll make everyone feel like a million bucks. If you want your party to be memorable but don’t want to go through the trouble of figuring out a wine-related menu, then this is the way to go.

#4. Small Party at Home

Those who can could meet with a small group of people like your roommates. Many people want to have a 21st birthday party with a lot of people, but a small gathering can be nice and intimate.

The thing about partying with folks who are already with you is that you don’t have much to worry about. People won’t be asking you where to park, and you don’t have to worry about accommodating or feeding a large number of people.

#5. Boozy Cooking for All

Another interesting thing you can do for your 21st birthday is to cook with a little beer or wine. You can find plenty of recipes that use alcoholic beverages.

Try to choose simple recipes you can do with the help of your friends through Zoom or with roommates. Fun foods to try are vodka-filled little jellies, or maybe you guys can make some gin-based gummy bears. These are just some foods you may want to try.

Now, you know a few ways you can celebrate this milestone with people you love and care about. COVID-19 has changes things and forced everyone to abide by a new lifestyle, but this is still an important day, so don’t let it pass.

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