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How Basement Waterproofing Services Can Protect Your Home?

Most individuals around the globe seek basement waterproof services but do not even know how to make them in Birmingham either. It is especially true for basement walls. If your basement walls are destroyed, you should hire Birmingham basement waterproofing contractors in Birmingham to make your basement waterproof. Basement walls are usually the weak part of any building structure. If they get damaged, water from underground can seep into other parts of the building and cause serious structural damage.

How to Make Basement Waterproof?

To make the basement waterproof, basement waterproofing contractors in Birmingham will prepare a thick layer of mastic, grade plywood, paperboard, hardboard, or fiberglass on the interior walls. When this is done, they cut out the area with little holes. The reason for cutting out the small holes is so that the water can drain into the basement.

Once the mastic is added inside the cracks, they use a heavy-grade waterproofing compound to make sure that the compound has adhered properly to the exterior walls. Then, they finish by adding molding and sealing the cracks with a basement waterproofing membrane. This membrane is a type of plastic membrane which is applied to the exterior walls and basement floors. Waterproofing mixtures are usually applied over this membrane.

Re-Mortaring Basement Walls:

Most of the time, basement walls get cracks because of the movement and expansion of the soil beneath the walls. Movement of the soil can result in cracks in the walls, especially when there is an increased amount of water in the basement. To remedy this problem, basement waterproofing services in Birmingham will recommend a re-mortaring of the basement walls. By re-mortaring basement walls, the soil pressure is lessened. Also, the repair cost is reduced since the soil pressure is lessened.

Source of the Leak:

To make basement waterproofing services in Birmingham a success, it is essential to find the source of the leak. In some cases, leaks come from the attic floor and ceiling. In other cases, leaks come from basement floor tiles and tile grout. In the latter cases, the leak can be located near the floor slab, where the cracked part of the tile meets the ground. If this is the case, the repair contractor will make a basement waterproofing membrane to fix the leak. This is often referred to as striping.

Hire Professionals:

To make basement waterproofing a successful endeavor, basement owners should hire professionals to perform this task. Hiring basement waterproofing experts in Birmingham will prevent costly mistakes and provide more time for the project. Also, these professionals will make sure that all instructions are followed correctly during the excavation process. They will also help make sure that the leak is properly fixed and the area is properly ventilated.

Remain Dry During Bad Weather:

One of the main benefits of basement waterproofing services in Birmingham is that they allow homes to remain dry during severe weather. As we all know, during rainstorms, it is very important to make sure that your basement is well-ventilated. During a flooded basement, this is even more important to avoid damage to your personal belongings. The water that is allowed to enter your basement will spread throughout your personal property and possibly destroy it.

Basement waterproofing professionals can advise you on how much work you need to do and where the most water-damaging areas are. They will also evaluate the condition of your basement walls and check for structural damage that requires removing the walls. Finally, they will make sure that any necessary wiring and drainage are installed so that your basement is not flooded. This service is very affordable and will not cost you more than $500 for the initial inspection and estimate. After this initial consultation, most of the work can be done by yourself.

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