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Hani Zeini on the Technological Advances that will strengthen the Customer Experience

Technological advances have not only impacted human lives; they have also impacted the means by which we conduct business. High-tech advances are utilized for human benefit. They empower businesses, expand service offerings, and enhance customer experiences. These days, entrepreneurs are highly dependent upon technological advances to reach their target audiences, thereby converting potential customers into loyal customers. The ways in which technological advances impact the customer experience is highlighted by Hani Zeini in the following points.

Hani Zeini on the significance of technological advances for an entrepreneur

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Ensuring a positive customer experience requires a good deal of effort and an investment of time. Innovative brands are using different technological advances to connect with their target customers. To stand out in the competition, brands need to utilize modern technologies continuously. If one does not stay up-to-date with the latest technological advancements, one risks falling behind in this increasingly competitive market.

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