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What’s Lacking With My Website? 9 Flaws in the Logo Design

The techniques and methods used while promoting or marketing the brand are what make you gain or lose customers. Presently, with the marketing campaigns having switched to digital and social media platforms, one has to heavily rely on their websites to promote their brand. As such, there is no room for mistakes when it comes to designing your websites and the obstacles have to be identifies and removed. The main focus here should be the usage of space in the website, which should be the adequate amount.

The website should not be overloaded with content, nor should there be any blank spaces that might make it look monotonous. The goal is to design the website in a manner that compels the viewers to engage and spend some time on it which is why we prefer web and graphic design company and it’s useful link.

A logo is an essential component of the website as it represents the identity of the brand and makes it recognizable. Hence, there are some flaws while designing a logo that must be taken care of.

Usage Of  Cliches Or Generic Patterns

What might be considered to be trendy or cool today might be regarded as a cliche after some years. Therefore, there is a need to avoid copying or conforming to the latest designs such that the logo you design might help you create your own unique brand image and might be memorable for the viewers. There is no harm in taking risks while designing your logo as it is something that will eventually make your logo stand out among others.

Starting Out With No Clarity

When designing a logo, you are basically trying to convey a message about the brand to the viewers, through a visual depiction of it. Therefore, it might be difficult to design one if you have no idea about the brand and its values. The first step to designing a logo is proper research that being done by web and graphic design company which helps you gain perspective on the brand and its identity, thus easing the process.

Imbalance In Colors And Fonts

It is imperative to make sure that the typography used is a simple one that is clear and easy to understand and is a bit light on the eyes. The selection of the font for a logo is an important decision as it might give the logo either a professional or a frivolous look. Colors too have to be chosen such that the color combination succeeds in complementing the company’s message and fits in well with your logo.

Inability To Determine The Right Software

It is important to use the correct software, namely Adobe Illustrator because it uses vector graphics which ensures that the logo is visually consistent irrespective of the size it is being reproduced in. This is not the case in Adobe Photoshop which uses raster images that harbor chances of reproducing pixelated images if the logo is reproduced in larger sizes.

Incorporating Irrelevant Details

Try to not include a horde of details just to make the logo visually interesting as this nullifies the main objective of the logo, which is to communicate the brand image in a simple manner. Too many details might affect the size of the logo when it gets reproduced and they might also hinder the viewers’ capacity to identify your logo among others. Therefore, a logo designed by web and graphic design company should convey the brand identity and purpose at first sight, making it memorable for the people.

Unintentional Use Of Inappropriate Images

There have been instances wherein spaces have been left vacant and these white spaces help in the reinforcement of the message that the brand logo is trying to convey. However, there might be times when this move plays out differently and the whitespaces end up representing something else altogether. This might be jarring to the image of the brand and lead to issues while marketing or promoting the brand. Therefore, it is better to check the logo for offensive interpretations before finalizing it.

Colors Are Included Before Finishing The Logo

When designing the logo, the design is the primary focus and to make sure that the logo has a remarkable design, with or without color, it is better that the logo be made in black and white first. This ensures that the logo does not need the color to enhance its aesthetic but as a complementary element. It reduces the chances of the logo looking lousy without the addition of colors to it. Once you finish your design completely, you can select a color combination that makes it look even better and helps it convey the brand image efficiently.

Compatibility With Other Mediums

The logo for your brand will be opened and viewed at on different devices or mediums. It might be reproduced in different sizes as well, depending on whether it is published in print or online. However, if your logo is complex, it might face problems on different mediums which could lead to it getting distorted, thus failing to visually appease the viewers or convey the information it was supposed to.

Lack Of Originality And Creativity

This is a very frequent blunder committed by the designers in that they try to take inspiration from logos of other businesses, thus denying the brand its own original and unique identity and image. This proves to be suicidal for the brand as it may be mistaken for another brand altogether, let alone the legal repercussions it may bring along.

These pointers can also be used in the context of overcoming flaws while designing a website as well. Identifying these flaws assist in managing them in an appropriate manner, thus ensuring that your website and logo design attract your target audience and increase the engagement of your brand. It is important to remember that the graphics or visual imagery incorporated in your logo and your website should be in complete alignment with the goals and values that your brand represents, making it easier for the customers to understand and relate to your product.

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