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First Aid Tip: How to Wrap A Broken Knuckle

What is a broken knuckle?

A broken knuckle is the abnormal condition of bones associated with the palm. In a broken knuckle the affected bone is “MetaCarpal”. Our palm consists of five metacarpals. The breakage in the topmost part of the bone or neck part of the bone is known as broken knuckle. Thus, doctors used to say a broken knuckle can deteriorate the condition of the metacarpal head and the base root of the proximal phalanx.  In this article our main objective is to help readers understand the basic symptoms of broken knuckle and how they can be treated.

Common symptoms of broken knuckle

Fracture causes a broken knuckle and the surrounding part of your hand. Patients used to experience soreness and tenderness along with swelling.  Also, the patient feels sharp pain while bending your fingers, even hand movement also becomes uncomfortable. Thus, patients are not able to translocate the affected finger smoothly. Therefore, the finger knuckle looks concave from the side view.

Common symptoms of broken knuckles are very similar to fracture, basic symptoms include numbness, pain, swelling, depressed knuckle along with cut and pierced skin, experience difficulty while moving your hands, shortening and misalignment of the fingers, brushing and discolouration, cracking and popping sound while moving the affected fingers, structural deformity, shortening in length

Types of broken knuckles?

First, and most common broken knuckle type is “Boxer’s fracture”. It is a kind of fracture that takes place while a boxer punches a hard object and the strong Collison breaks the top of the fifth metacarpal bone. It is basically that particular bone that presents right below the pinkie finger.

When a patient comes across this kind of fracture in their hand, their knuckle will appear concave compared to other normal fingers with knuckle bones.

Now a boxer’s fracture is not the only type that exists as a knuckle fracture, a person can break any other knuckles too. As per the medical scientific review, the fifth metacarpal is the most sensitive finger knuckle that usually breaks. Second metacarpal below the index finger does not usually break, it is very uncommon. People who belong to the age of 18-34 years, metacarpal fracture is very common if they are associated with sports, or any kind of physical activities. 80% patients reported that they are going through hand and finger swelling, brushing, experiencing enough pain while moving the affected finger, numbness on the affected fingers, shortening of the length due to concave structure, The very common reason for a broken knuckle is striking and punching a strong object with your finger and hand.

How would you wrap a broken knuckle?

When someone is suffering from broken knuckles, wrapping with bandage is the first option to alleviate swelling, inflammation. Doctors also restrict your hand movement and wrap your finger with bandages as it offers enough support to the affected joints, bones, and muscles. Wrapping with crepe bandage is very helpful for some orthopaedic conditions like sprains, strains, muscle ache, fractures, wounds, deep cuts, and burns. In most of the cases minor to moderate level of injuries heals after wrapping up. However, serious hand injury needs immediate medical supervision.

Common types of bandage

Compression bandages:  It is an elastic roller bandage or crepe bandage. This kind of bandage consists of a long strip of stretchy fabric attached with a tight roll. Compression bandages are basically used to reduce the inflammation and support the affected bones, connective tissue and associated joint, a very effective method of wrapping for broken knuckles, strains, and sprains.

Gauze bandages: It is not technically a bandage material, but a dressing material. Gauze bandage is a relatively thick cotton pad used to completely cover the wound.

How to wrap a broken knuckle?

What you need:

Gauze dressing, a roller bandage, and safety pin to secure the binding


If you’re treating an injured knuckle, wash the affected area, then apply sterile gauze dressing after wrapping it in an elastic bandage.

The bandage is opened and begins with the end of the bandage to the wrist’s inside.

Wrap the bandage over your wrist.

By putting your hand on the inner side of the wrist Then, pull this bandage across the top of your hands.

The bandage should be pulled on your pinky, and beneath your fingers to your pointer finger.

From there you can wrap the bandage around the wrist again.

Repeat steps 4 through 6, making an eight-shape bandage on the damaged knuckle

Once you’ve covered your entire hand in the bandage, fix it using clips or a safety pin.

Bandage is a first aid tip to protect the affected area of your body which is super effective for broken knuckles as well. Doctors use it as the primary set of treatment, at the rehab period doctors also advise to do a few hand therapy exercises that involve light stretching for speed recovery. But before doing it take consultation from your doctor, because he will check your condition, and therefore make the decision.

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