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Facebook Page VS Youtube Channel Which Is Best For Earning?

Earning from social media is on hype these days since the rise of online video content.  In the year 2019, video marketing occupied 80% of consumer-based internet traffic – as said by Cisco Forecasts. Moreover, about 70% of audiences watch online videos per week on different social media channels. 

However, statistics like these, suggest that digital marketing particularly, social media marketing is holding a brighter future for businesses. Among these, Facebook Page and Youtube channels are two popular earning platforms in this era of internet marketing. 

Facebook Vs. Youtube Channel – Which One Is Better For Earning?

People these days are well aware of the Videos’ potential. Be it a marketer or passive income earner, one can earn millions from both Facebook and Youtube by going viral. Still, there is a thin line of difference between the effectiveness of both in terms of earning. I assume you are a marketer or an aspiring Facebook/Youtube Influencer, am I right? 

A Facebook Vs. Youtube Channel debate thus makes sense now. So without any more ado, let’s begin!!! Below are some criteria listed that would give the judgment at the end:

The time of watching a piece of video content basically refers to the average viewing time. This viewing time is a key part of Youtube analytics and a main deriving factor of the earning. Actually, it refers to the median time your audiences are spending watching your content. The longer this time is, the more your brand will get identity. Youtube has been a trusted brand to the world for a decade. So naturally, people would give more time on this platform for watching content compared to the Facebook page videos. 

Facebook, on the contrary, also has a massive user base who spend a lot of time on this platform. Especially after the advent of the Facebook Live option, the average viewing time has drastically increased. Still, it could not beat Youtube’s statistics. 

Here is a short example for your better understanding. A 3-minute long youtube video is proven to be more successful than a 1 minute Facebook video. For the former, the audience would proactively pay attention, therefore, increasing the time of watching. Also, from the overall analytical perspective, Facebook Page Video seems to be poorly effective. Moreover, because of the autoplay feature, most viewers leave a video immediately after starting it. In this way, they do not get the essence of the intended message.    

 The success story of a video on social platforms starts from the number of Views. This is one of the primary factors for determining your income. Youtube’s viewer base is much more solidified than Facebook due to its strong brand identity over 10 years. Billions of active user base, most of which is from the U.S, has made YouTube the Winner. It is possible to infer that Youtube videos have a greater chance of getting viral rather than Facebook Page. 

Here also, Youtube snatches the winning award away!!!

Yes, you can drive lead conversion by uploading videos on both Facebook Channel and Youtube Page. But where does the maximum conversion occur? Well, as per the recent market studies, Youtube facilitates the buying decisions of customers more than Facebook Page basically due to its massive search volume. But market reports also depict that Facebook has been driving sales over the last 3 years. 

Therefore which one is preferable? 

The answer here is not really straightforward. If you are looking for audiences from a global perspective, go for YouTube. On the other hand, with res[ectg to customer segmentation and targeting, Facebook is more curated.     

The main funda behind video marketing is Audience Engagement. Do you need to upgrade your marketing strategy? Then analyze your uploaded videos at first including the likes, organic traffic, number of shares, etc. I bet you will find Youtube as the winner in this case. 

First of all, on Youtube, people get to watch a particular video as they look for the video category or the particular video itself.  This increases the percentage of organic engagement. On the contrary, most of the videos on the Facebook Page are not searched and played mainly due to the autoplay feature enabled. So in this respect, it is clearly visible that Youtube is the winner.

The Verdict 

Now that you know which platform has better-earning potential between Facebook Page and Youtube Channel, the choice is yours. It’s high time you decide which social media platform will be best for your financial goals. However, if you ask for our recommendations, we would suggest you make use of the “Youtube channel” in a much better way. 

The “YouTuber” feature furthermore, boosts audience engagement to the next level by attracting enthusiastic and loyal leads. Also, the best part is the conversion rate from these leads is tremendously high which in turn optimizes the revenue.  

So a big fat Thumbs Up from our end for the “Youtube Channel” from the perspective of earning!!! Start giving your audiences the latest sneak peek of your business today and grab their attention. 

Furthermore, to get clarity on how to use “Youtube Channel” for more revenue, follow our page for daily updates. We come up with intriguing digital marketing guides regularly that are capable of solving a plethora of your business complications easily. So stay tuned with us and keep reading.

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