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Common Uses of Machine Learning Applications in Effective Business Operations

Machine learning has moved from just science fiction stuff to a staple in modern business as organizations in every industry vertical try to implement machine learning technologies for better operations. We can now see how the doctors are using machine learning to make a more accurate diagnosis of their patients, retailers using it to get the right merchandise to the stores at the right time, researchers using ML to develop effective new medicines, etc. 

What we can see is just a sliver of the use cases, which are emerging largely at all sectors from utilities to energy, travel, hospitality, logistics, and manufacturing, etc. There are various functions within all types of organizations that increasingly deploy machine learning at work. It has worked wonders for them and brought them substantial results. If you are thinking of 

choice help is another region where AI can help organizations transform the plenty of information they have into significant bits of knowledge that convey esteem. Here, calculations prepared on chronicled information and some other pertinent informational indexes can break down data and go through different potential situations at a scale and speed inconceivable for people to make suggestions on the best game-plan to take. 

Dan Miklovic, originator and head examiner, Lean Manufacturing Research LLCDan Miklovic 

“It doesn’t supplant individuals, yet rather it assists individuals with improving; it can make individuals substantially more viable,” said Dan Miklovic, author and head examiner at Lean Manufacturing Research LLC, and an individual from The Analyst Syndicate.

Machine learning is considered to be a subset of artificial intelligence, which uses computers and algorithms to gain better insights from data and allow the machines to identify patterns. This is a capability which organization can put into use in various ways.For example, experts say that machine learning will enable businesses to perform tasks on a scale and scope previously impossible to accomplish. As a result, one can speed up the pace of work, improve accuracy, and empower the employees, stakeholders, and customers alike. Moreover, our innovative organizations are now finding more ways to harness machine learning capabilities, drive efficiencies and improvements in their processes, and fuel new business opportunities, which can help differentiate their brand in the competitive marketplaces.

Here we will discuss a few real-time applications of machine learning in business, which are used effectively to solve problems and deliver more tangible business benefits.

Chatbot agents

One of the earliest forms of automation using machine learning was chatbots, which helped bridge the communication gap between people by allowing technology to take over the task.People started to converse with machines and chatbots, which can take actions based on the requirements and requests of humans effectively. The first generation chatbots followed scripted rules, which told the boats what type of actions to be taken based on the keywords or inputs by the users. However, machine learning and NLP (natural language processing) enabled chatbots to be more interactive and responsive. 

This new generation of chatbots can better respond and converse increasingly like real humans. We can see examples of real-time digital assistants like Amazon Alexa, Apple Siri, Google Assistant, etc., which are based on machine learning algorithms. These technologies are now finding ways in customer service and engagement platforms that can replace the traditional chatbots. Chatbots are among the most widely used ML applications in businesses now. A few examples of company chatbots that are working amazingly include the following.

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Machine learning in decision support

Decision support is another crucial area where machine learning helps businesses turn data into actionable insights and deliver value. Here, the algorithms trained based on historical data and other relevant data sets can easily analyze information and run through various possible scenarios at scale.This can also speed up human-impossible processes to make recommendations on the best course of action. 

Machine learning is not replacing real humans, but rather it helps people do things better. It will effectively make people more productive and accurate in decision-making. Let us further explore some examples of decision support systems using machine learning.

Customer recommendation engines

Machine learning can also power customer recommendations with tools designed to enhance user experience and offer personalized suggestions. In such usecases, the algorithms can process the data points about various customers like past purchases, the company’s current inventory, demographic, and other buying tendencies based on the situations to determine which products and services to recommend for each individual. Let us explore a few examples of some companies applying recommendation engines.

E-Commerce giants like Walmart and Amazon now use recommendation engines to     personalize the user’s shopping experience and expedite customer service.

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