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Benefits of Using MMS Messaging Software for Your Business

Running a business means keeping an eye on the bottom line at all times. You need to be careful and only invest in things that will help you grow your business. That includes marketing. You need to spend as little as possible to get the biggest return on that investment as possible. There are many different types of marketing available to small businesses these days with technology seemingly coming up with new ones all the time. MMS messaging software is one of them, and it can help you bring your business to a whole new level.

They Will Get Opened

One of the great things about text messages is that they get opened. Some surveys have shown that text messages have an open rate close to 100%. Think about it. When you get a text message, you immediately look at the screen to see what the message is. You can be almost certain that your message will be received and read. You can’t say the same for other marketing techniques, such as digital ads, television, and radio. With text messaging, you have a direct line right into the platform to a device that your customers probably use more than anything else.

It’s Immediate

Text messages are read right away, unlike with email marketing. With emails, they have the opportunity to put it aside and respond later on, which they may or may not do. Text messaging allows you to connect with customers and get them to act right away. If you have a special sale going on today, then send out a message to remind everyone. If your inventory is getting low for a certain product, you can let your customers know so they can hustle to your store. When you need to reach your customers right away, there is no better option.

Your Contact List is Made up of Motivated Consumers

One of the great things about using a mass MMS service is that people need to opt-in to getting the messages. This isn’t spamming a lot of people with messages. It’s contacting people who have already given permission for you to send them information. This means that they will be more interested in your messages, and more likely to take the action you’ve asked of them, whether it’s to take advantage of a sale or to answer some survey questions. Having an engaged audience makes mass texting even more effective as a marketing and communication tool.

It’s Still Not Widely Used

One of the strangest things about text message marketing is that it isn’t widely used as of yet. Even though almost everyone has a smartphone from which they send and receive text messages, marketers haven’t figured out that there is a massive opportunity. In fact, only 39% of marketers currently use some form of text message marketing. That means that by incorporating it into your marketing plan, you can get a huge leg up on your competition. Many of them will not be using this technology. They may catch up some day, but by then you will have perfected and refined your approach so that you are still way ahead of the game. When it comes to running a small business, you need every advantage you can get, and text message marketing could be one of them.

It’s Easy

The truth is, sending out mass text messages to your customers is easy. All you need is to download MMS messaging software through an app on your smartphone, or use a web-based service. Once you’ve created an account and imported your customer contacts, you are good to go. You can have the power of text messaging in the palm of your hand within minutes, and your business will be all the better for it.

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