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6 Apps That Made Our Lives Better

A mobile application, also commonly known as an app, is developed specifically for mobile phones to increase their functionality. Most mobile applications have restricted capacity and have isolated usefulness; however, this is what makes them exceptional: they allow users to handpick what their mobiles can do. 

Apple Inc. first introduced the idea for the development of mobile applications, and since then, the popularity of mobile applications has continued to increase exponentially. The mobile apps that we used at the beginning provided general-purpose information such as weather, email, and calendar. Still, as the technology developed, the apps also got better.

Mobile Applications Changing Our Lives

Mobile applications have entirely reshaped the way we live our lives; there are all kinds of apps out there that help us with even the simplest things, such as waking up. There are apps for buying groceries, counting your calories intake, meeting new people, and so much more. Mobile applications have been seamlessly integrated into our lives, and now it feels almost the same as breathing.

Apps Make Our Lives Better

There are numerous reasons why we have fallen in love with mobile applications; some include instant communication, increased productivity, ceaseless information, and simplified daily tasks. However, a common thing among all these attributes is that they make our life better in one way or another.

Since tons of apps are available today, different apps alter different lives in unique ways. However, today, we have handpicked some apps that we think have made a massive impact on our lives positively; these apps have made our lives easier better.

Google Maps is the best navigation software out there, but it is so much more than just a way-finding app as it comes packed with a plethora of features. Things such as adding your daily commute, finding your parked car, using voice assistant, and adding music while navigating are available at your fingertips with Google Maps. There was a time when people used to get lost; however, that is not even a thing because everyone has Google Maps.

The app is developed in such a way that it constantly monitors you and provides you with the quickest route to your destination. You can also read and write reviews like airG reviews for different places and even get a street view of the place you want to visit. The app is beneficial for individuals, but it has also helped some massive organizations provide their services through mapping, such as Uber.

The days of physical storage are gone as cloud storage solutions have taken their place; there are numerous downsides of using physical storage devices, but we will not discuss them today. We are going to talk about an excellent cloud storage solution called Dropbox.

Dropbox is one of the best cloud storage apps out there, not only because it provides free 2GB storage and 250 MB more for each friend you invite but for its perfect combination of different features. One of the best things about this app is that you can easily sync it with your computer or any device that has an internet connection. This way, you can easily share and access your files.

Another way you can share and swap files with other people is by creating public folders and giving links to people you want to access those folders. You can easily integrate Dropbox with your PC, and all you have to do is drag and drop files you want to share or store on your cloud.

When making a list of apps that made our lives better, we cannot just forget about YouTube. YouTube is arguably the king of all video content apps out there. Not only is it the most popular video platform, but it is also a phenomenal discovery that has changed our lives in so many constructive ways. It is the second-largest search engine after Google, and from entertainment to help you learn new skills, YouTube is the answer to all of life’s questions.

The app has a compelling and easy-to-use interface. It has developed so much that there is also a YouTube for kids. The app helps people in different ways; for example, some people benefit by watching tutorials while others benefit from it by making them. YouTube has also provided a way for filmmakers and producers to showcase their skills even when they have small budgets.

The app is entirely free to use, and you can use it for almost anything; videos made for YouTube are highly optimized for mobile devices and provide the best user experience.

Apart from these apps, one more thing that changed our lives recently was the Coronavirus. Since we went into the lockdown, many things have changed, and the way we spend our lives is one of them. During the Covid-19, we did nothing but dive deeper into the digital world, as not only did we use the technology for entertainment but also for work.

A significant example of a work-based technology that we loved during the pandemic is Zoom, a video-conferencing application. Zoom made its place with its user-friendly interface and simple features when Skype was already there. It became a way of life for people during the pandemic.

One of the main features of a video calling platform is high-quality videos, and Zoom has the best resolution for a video conferencing platform. You get high-definition with the free version and 1080p with the paid ones; besides that, Zoom also became popular with its timely security updates such as end-to-end encryption and meeting alerts. 

There is no doubt that zoom went viral due to the pandemic, but even after the pandemic, it proved to be an excellent productivity tool that made our lives better.

Music always has a special place in everyone’s hearts, and the developers of Spotify capitalized on that fact early on. Spotify is one of the first music streaming apps out there, and after a lot of struggle, it has become the best app of its kind. Over the years, Spotify has undergone some massive changes, making it what it is today.

Spotify has an enormous catalog of music, and it has now become a brand; you can use the app for free; however, if you want to have to best experience, you must pay a monthly subscription fee.

 You will not only access tons of music with this subscription but also get Spotify’s recommendations. With Release Radar and Discover Weekly, you would get a customized weekly playlist to discover new music.

The pandemic taught us the importance of meditation, the lockdown was highly depressing, and it was very tough for people to go through such times. Meditation helped many people, and the Headspace app played a massive role in all this. The app enables you to sit still and focus your mind and offers things like sleep-inducing stories, guided movements, and yoga poses that help with mindfulness.

The app is designed, so the users get excited and interact with it as much as possible; the best part about it is that you would never feel frustrated using the app’s interface and feel much more relaxed after using it.

Final Note

These were some of the best apps that made our lives better in different ways, and we hope that this list comes in handy when you visit your app store next time. However, this does not mean that you restrict yourself to this option only because there are more than 7 million apps out there, and we couldn’t possibly mention all of them. 

Each individual has their requirements, so it is always recommended to keep exploring and keep finding apps that make you productive and make your life better.

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