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Americans have Given up on Public Schools: Is that a Mistake?

In all the debates of public schools, public education has been underestimated by all. Though American public schools have occupied prime space in the American imagination, yet public schools are not performing well.

In 2009, in the first educational speech given by President Barack Obama included that though we have an unmatched number of resources available more than anywhere else across the world, we still have slipped our grades, the qualifications of our teachers are falling, and other nations are outpacing us”. And still, there is no improvement at all, or we are considering it. The higher the drop out of the students from public schools had made Americans choose private schools for their child as compared to the public schools.

So, these days, whenever you will listen to something from the politicians or other people, you might have heard that public education is failing. Today, education is the hot topic when it comes to debate, but the point is that all the people are seeing the bad of the public education, no one is looking at the actual performance of the American public schools. Let us take in consideration the example of Tri-valley school; situated in Healey, Alaska where the teacher to student ratio is just 10:1 therefore, students can get individual attention from their teachers. Still, no one considers the original facts of the public school and just focusing on the negative side of it. Public schools are not performing that bad as they are considered by all of us.

The current discussions on the public schools have completely ignored their victories, however, here it can’t be denied that the higher drop out from public schools have made Americans give up on the public school and they have started believing on the private schools as compared to the public schools. More than 1 million school students drop out of high schools. Although it is their personal decision this is what impacts the overall education system of America.

The reason behind the dropouts:

Every day, almost 7,000 school students drop out of the public schools and this is impacting the overall education system at a rapid rate. The graduation rate of the United States was more than from any of the developing country but now it has fallen ranking from 22 out of 27 countries. And there are not only single reasons behind it, but several reasons are there. Public schools are suffering from one of the most unpleasant scenarios.

There are different reasons behind their dropouts. 27% of the students say that they drop out because they are failing many classes makes them lost their interest in studies. While some say that they left their school to offer care to their families and so on. There are several reasons behind it.

But the thing is that no one is finding the real reason why the percentage of students in public school is decreasing even everyone is claiming public school education. Everyone is ignoring the real value, the victories and the performance of the public schools. Yes, here, it should be added that though not all public schools are performing well similar to like all private schools are not offering 100% results. When we consider schools such as Tri-valley school, we can’t say that public school education is not good. You can choose a public school like this not just because you are lower in money but to offer the real value of the education to your child.

Why you should send your children to public school?

The growth of public schools has been underestimated. If we start focusing on the real value that the public schools are providing, then it makes all of us send out the child in public schools.

Every year millions of the American students are graduated across the country and go over the best colleges across the country. Public school teachers teach in the same manner as the charter and other private schools do. Your child will get the same education as in the other schools.

Don’t fall at the stories. Check the real fact that public school works. Teachers are doing their jobs well; it is time to support them and to find out the real valuable education for your child.

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