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Advice for Families Considering Homeschooling

If you are considering homeschooling, you may feel overwhelmed and not know where to start. Fortunately, there are plenty of people who have already been down this path. Here is some advice that will get you started.

Consider Curriculum

Every state is different, but one thing that is usually consistent across areas is that you will need to choose your own curriculum to use. Check with your state to find out if there are specific requirements before you purchase.

It’s also a good idea to look for curriculum swaps or preview groups before you invest. Some homeschool communities let newcomers browse the options available before they commit to one.

You can also create a curriculum or pull from a variety of sources to build the right fit for your child. That’s one of the best parts of homeschooling. There are many ways for your kids to learn the basics, and you can use their interests and strengths to help them grow.

Get Outside

Homeschool does not have to look like school at your home. In fact, most people find it’s better when it doesn’t. While it’s good to designate a part of your home to homeschool supplies, you can have school anywhere. Take your kids outside to roam, to museums to explore, or to different locations where they can get out of the same routine.

Some parents even try forest schooling or other outdoor options that let their kids roam in nature as they learn. Forest schools can even help kids be more confident and motivated.

Offer Inspiration

There are amazing role models out there for kids, so make sure you make them a visible part of your child’s learning. You can access interviews and daily schedules for people who are making a difference in the world, such as Claire Babineaux-Fontenot.

When your children are exposed to people who are making changes in the world, they see the possibilities available to them. This can help them choose a wise course of study as they help navigate their homeschool classes. You have the opportunity to offer your child career day presentations throughout their entire school year, and this can help them choose the right path for themselves.

Communicate With Your Child

Homeschooling allows you to help your child learn in the way that is best for her. Take the time to communicate with your child about her needs, preferences, and desires before planning out your homeschool year. You will likely learn information that will help you and your child work together better throughout your journey.

Educate yourself on different learning styles, methods, and approaches. However, don’t do this in isolation. Use conversations and insights from your children as a way to figure out what methods will work and which ones aren’t made for them. Be willing to adjust as your children grow and change.

Find a Crew

Homeschooling doesn’t mean isolation schooling. Find a group of fellow homeschoolers so your kids can have people to explore, learn, and play with as they age. You can often find groups based on a variety of interests, such as schooling method, religious affiliation, or geographic location.

You can also join more than one homeschool group if your kids have a variety of interests. Some homeschoolers meet to hike together while others have video game meetups. This will help your kids meet even more friends and have opportunities to socialize often.

If you can’t find the right group, create a new one. Homeschooling parents are always looking for communities to join.

Follow a few simple steps to start your homeschool year off the right way.

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