
8 Tips From Professional Painters For Flawless House Painting

Tips From Professional Painters For Flawless House Painting

So you have chosen to do it on your own! Kudos. It’s time to learn what the painting pros do. Well, you are not supposed to get professional training before painting a house wall. But when it comes to house painting, you need to know a lot more than basic painting techniques. There are going to be corners, trims, edges, and a lot of bumpy areas where you need some guidance. It will take a lot more than what you anticipate at the beginning but it’s very much possible. 

If you want your next DIY painting project to be a smashing success or at least avoid making a mess of your house painting, follow these 8 tips from professional interior painters.

Thorough Preparation Is A Must

You will end up wasting your time and money if you skimp this step. Thorough preparation is what separates the job of an amateur from a professional painter. Visually inspect all of the walls you are going to paint. Any flaking, cracking or peeling areas need to be sanded first. 180 to 220 grit sandpaper is the best option when you need a light sanding. 

Wipe the walls clean with a cloth to remove the dust. You can also vacuum the surfaces. Use a putty knife and caulking cement to fill up the pits and cracks. The whole point is to achieve an even and clean surface for a flawless finish.

Invest In High-Quality Painting Supplies

When you are purchasing are painting supplies for your DIY project, pinching on pennies will do more harm than good. Investing in a good paintbrush and rollers is the first step of achieving pro finishes. Stick with synthetic brushes. 

Interior painters use brushes with soft nylon bristles. Quality painting supplies provide better coverage so you spend less time in completing the project and get better results. When it comes to sealing out drips and blurs, high-end painter’s tape can do wonders. 

Don’t forget to purchase a box cutter to cut the edges when removing the painter’s tape once you are done painting. If you love nice and crisp edges, be careful not to pull off the latex paint with painter’s tape.

Use An Extension Pole For Minimum Stress

A lot of DIY enthusiasts consider this an unnecessary investment, especially when the walls are not too tall. Painting experts always an extension pole with them and there is a lesson for you to learn. If you have a lot of wall surface area to paint, which is usually the case for a whole house painting project, invest in an extension pole. It gives you greater leverage so you don’t have to bend down every time you need to load the roller. And that reduces strains on your arm and back. You will be able to paint your house in less time!

Protect The Hardware In The Room

You will never regret the time spent covering the hardware and floors of your house. Cover everything you don’t want to rinse and clean once you are done with painting. Either remove the major hardware in the room and store it in labeled polythene bags or cover it with plastic wraps. Small sandwich bags secured with tape are a perfect fit for knobs.

Caulk The Cracks, Trim, And Windows

If you want the painting job to stand out, don’t forget to caulk around the trims and windows. Moreover, adding caulk seals off any cracks to prevent drafts of cold air. Once the caulk is dried, sand the trims and apply the first paint coat. Painting the trims before the walls always yields beautiful results. Let the paint coat dry for 24 hours and lightly sand it. Wipe it clean with a soft cloth and apply the next coat of paint.

Choose The Right Primer

If it’s been more than 8 years since you painted the house, it is advised to use a primer. Paint-and-primer combinations work well when you have smooth walls. For those who are finding it difficult to find the right primer for their house, consult professional interior painters for reliable advice.

Sand Between Paint Coats

A painter spends a lot more time sanding than painting the walls. Sanding makes your walls look flawless and look like a professional took their time in providing quality work.

Put Your Brushes And Rollers In The Fridge

You have to take several breaks during a painting project. One of the biggest challenges faced by DIY painters is how to keep the brush and rollers safe. Here is a simple solution. Wrap your painting brush and rollers tightly with plastic wrap and put them in the fridge. Reuse in the morning.

If these secrets from pros are not motivating enough, search for affordable painting companies in San Tan Valley AZ!

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